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  • "The Ghost in the Olive Grove" was inspired by a silly AOL instant message conversation between the author and his friend Amy, in which he jokingly told her where he thought she'd wind up in life. The challenge in writing the story was taking the idea and writing a seriously chilling tale.

Publication History

  • "The Ghost in the Olive Grove" was published in .html format in August of 1999. It was the author's second published short story, and it replaced "The Rainbow-Colored Sheep" on the original Web site. "The Ghost in the Olive Grove" was removed from the site the following month, when it was replaced by the short story "Aries' Cage."


  • A second electronic edition was published as a Microsoft Word file on August 3, 2001. This edition added an illustration by Molly Brimer.


  • A third electronic edition was published in PDF format on June 6, 2003.


  • A fourth edition was published in paperback on November 14, 2004. This was the first print edition of this short story, and the first "single" print edition of any of the author's short fiction.


  • A fifth edition was published in paperback on December 1, 2005.


  • A sixth edition was released as a Kindle e-book on October 25, 2011. The sixth edition was released in all major e-book formats through on December 7, 2011. A Clark Ink PDF version was released on December 8. It was released in paperback exclusively through and on December 9.


  • On August 3, 2020, the 2011 PDF E-Book edition was made available for free at

Alternate Cover Design

Coming soon!


Earlier Editions

First Edition - Web Fiction
(no longer available)

Currently unavailable
Second Edition - Microsoft Word File

Currently unavailable
Third Edition - PDF E-Book

The Ghost in the Olive Grove
Fourth Edition - Paperback

The Ghost in the Olive Grove
Fifth Edition - Paperback

Current Edition

The Ghost in the Olive Grove
Sixth Edition - Kindle E-Book

The Ghost in the Olive Grove
Sixth Edition - Smashwords E-Book

The Ghost in the Olive Grove
Sixth Edition - Clark Ink PDF E-Book

The Ghost in the Olive Grove
Sixth Edition - Paperback



Coming soon!

All content © 1999-2012 by Clark Ink, LLC