Titles and release dates are subject to change. Check back here often for new additions! You can also click here to follow further upcoming projects as they develop.
We've had a number of releases delayed due to unforeseen life events, but we are working to get everything back on the
release schedule as soon as humanly possible! Keep checking back!
February 12
Autodidactica Shorts #19 "Criminal Law in a Utopian
YouTube Video
February 14
Autodidactica Shorts #20 "Feasting on a Budget"
YouTube Video
February 15
I Can't Sleep Shorts #7 "The Truth About Smurfette"
YouTube Video
February 16
Autodidactica Shorts #21 "The Challenging Road to Utopia"
YouTube Video
February 19
Autodidactica Shorts #22 "The Monetary System Is Doing
More Harm Than Good"
YouTube Video
I Can't Sleep Shorts #8 "Why Would You Make a Robot
Who Could Do That?"
YouTube Video
February 24
I Can't Sleep Shorts #9 "I Watched Optimus Prime Get
It Done"
YouTube Video