New Releases

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New A5 Paperback
August 2023 - March 2024

The Theomorph

Metrognomes: Deathmatch

In Wine, Lies the Truth
In Wine, Lies the Truth


New Kindle eBook
August 2023 - March 2024

The Theomorph

Metrognomes: Deathmatch

In Wine, Lies the Truth
In Wine, Lies the Truth


New Web Fiction Releases
October - November 2023

The Legends of Nod: The Mech Valley Debacle
The Legends of Nod: The Mech Valley Debacle "Part II"

The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas
The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas "Chapter 2"

The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas
The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas "Chapter 1" (2.2)

The Legends of Nod: The Mech Valley Debacle
The Legends of Nod: The Mech Valley Debacle "Part I"

The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas
The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas "Chapter 1" (2.1)

The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas
The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas "Chapter 1" (2.0)


New Videos
July 2023 - May 2024

Vlog #75
Vlog #75

Autodidactica #21
Autodidactica #21

Vlog #74
Vlog #74

Vlog #73
Vlog #73

Vlog #72
Vlog #72

Vlog #71
Vlog #71

I Can't Sleep #29
I Can't Sleep #29

Vlog #70
Vlog #70

Vlog #69
Vlog #69

The Books I Love #3
The Books I Love #3

I Can't Sleep #28
I Can't sleep #28

Vlog #68
Vlog #68

Vlog #67
Vlog #67

Vlog #66
Vlog #66

Conversations in Sunglasses #24
Conversations in Sunglasses #24

I Can't Sleep #27
I Can't Sleep #27

Vlog #65
Vlog #65

Autodidactica #20
Autodidactica #20

The Books I Love #2
The Books I Love #2

Vlog #64
Vlog #64

Vlog #63
Vlog #63

Vlog #62
Vlog #62

Publication Announcement #2
Publication Announcement #2

Vlog #61
Vlog #61

Vlog #60
Vlog #60

Publication Announcement #1
Publication Announcement #1

The Books I Love #1
The Books I Love #1

Vlog #59
Vlog #59

Vlog #58
Vlog #58

I Can't Sleep #26
I Can't Sleep #26

Vlog #57
Vlog #57

Vlog #56
Vlog #56

Vlog #55
Vlog #55

Vlog #54
Vlog #54

Autodidactica #19
Autodidactica #19

Vlog #53
Vlog #53

I Can't Sleep #25
I Can't Sleep #25

Vlog #52
Vlog #52

Vlog #51
Vlog #51

Let Me Tell You a Story #11
Let Me Tell You a Story #11

Autodidactica #18
Autodidactica #18

Vlog #50
Vlog #50

Conversations in Sunglasses #23
Conversations in Sunglasses #23

Vlog #49
Vlog #49

I Can't Sleep #24
I Can't Sleep #24

Autodidactica #17
Autodidactica #17

Let Me Tell You a Story #10
Let Me Tell You a Story #10

Vlog #48
Vlog #48

Conversations in Sunglasses #22
Conversations in Sunglasses #22

Vlog #47
Vlog #47

I Can't Sleep #23
I Can't Sleep #23

Vlog #46
Vlog #46

Vlog #45
Vlog #45

Conversations in Sunglasses #21
Conversations in Sunglasses #21

Vlog #44
Vlog #44

Vlog #43
Vlog #43

Vlog #42
Vlog #42


Autodidactica (Podcast)
October 2023 - June 2024

Autodidactica #2

#21 "Is It Possible to Live without Regret?"

#20 "Tokyo Ghoul as a Bisexual Metaphor"

#19 "The Personhood of Animals"


All content copyright 2021-2024 by Clark Ink, LLC.