Publication History
- "Aries' Cage" was originally published in September 1999 as Web fiction on the author's first
Web site. It replaced "The Ghost in the Olive Grove."
- A second edition was published as a Microsoft Word document on April 17, 2001.
- A third edition was published as a standard PDF e-book on July 21, 2003.
- The fourth edition was published in paperback on May 17, 2005.
- The fifth edition of "Aries' Cage" was published in Kindle e-book, Smashwords e-book, Clark
Ink PDF e-book, and paperback formats on December 13, 2011.
- On August 3, 2020, the 2011 PDF E-Book edition was made available for free at GlennSladeClarkJr.com.
Earlier Editions
1st Edition - Web Fiction |
2nd Edition - Mocrosoft Word File |
3rd Edition - PDF E-Book |
4th Edition - Paperback |
Current Edition
5th Edition - Kindle E-Book |
5th Edition - Smashwords E-Book |
5th Edition - Clark Ink PDF E-Book |
5th Edition - Paperback |
Below are some old buttons from the Aries' Cage page that were replaced on December 12, 2011.
These buttons were modeled after the fourth edition cover design.