The Phantom's Fury

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The Phantom's Fury

The Vampire's Dream

The Journal of Valentinus Alexas

The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas #8 "The Phantom's Fury" originally posted January 2006

All content ©2006-2013 by Clark Ink, LLC


ISBN-10: 1-61815-058-8 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-058-5 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61815-059-6 (paperback)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-059-2 (paperback)

The spirit of Clarenda Richardson has made her declaration of war on Valen Alexas. Now, reeling from her violent attack, Valen seeks a solution in the powers of Mary the Witch, who wishes to brave the spirits of the mansion on her own.

     Meanwhile, Bradley struggles with the reality of Ray and Dori's burgeoning relationship, causing a terrible strain in his friendship with Ray.

For the book shelf!

Coming soon!

Trivia, earlier editions, etc.