"Music of the Metrognomes" Just the Beginning
July 31, 2003
"Music of the Metrognomes" is more than just another short story. It
is the prelude to a forthcoming series of fantasy novels beginning with a book called Metrognomes. The short story
introduces key characters and situations five years before the beginning of the first novel. While the story is worth reading
on its own, it is really meant as a teaser for the series to follow. At least one more short story, "Worse Than A Gremlin," will
preceed the novels.
The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas .pdf Conversion
Under Way
July 24, 2003
"Homecoming," the first installment of The Chronicles of Nightfire,
Texas, formerly posted as a Microsoft Word document, was published to the site in its new .pdf e-book format today.
The entire series of Nightfire Word documents have been removed from the site. Each episode will be re-published as
a .pdf e-book over the next few days.
The Great Debate Hardcover Now Available at Amazon.com
July 17, 2003
Until now, only the trade paperback edition of The Great Debate
has been available through most bookstores, both on- and off-line. However, the harcover edition of the book, formerly available
only by way of direct orders through the publisher, is now for sale at Amazon.com. It still remains to be seen whether or
not other on-line book stores will follow suit, but for now, this is at least a step in the right direction.
Web Log Added to Site
June 19, 2003
At the risk of seeming pretentious, I have added my web log to this site.
I have a fascination for web logs, and I wanted to do one of my own. I really think that everyone should keep one, as I explained
in my first entry. I think that would be so much fun. From a more practical point of view, however, this gives me a place
to talk about whatever I want on my web site, without feeling a need to relate it to my work. It gives the readers a chance
to really get into my head, if they like. I will still be using the Glenn C. Scrolls format, which I plan to get back
to in July, to quarterly update everyone on the progress of my work.
"The Ghost in the Olive Grove" Leads Site .pdf Conversion
June 16, 2003
"The Ghost in the Olive Grove" is the first short story posted on the
site to be converted from a .doc file into a .pdf file. Stories to follow include "Aries' Cage," "Night Light," and all three
installments of The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas. In addition, all future stories posted on the site will be published
in this more suitable e-book format. The change in format will be benificial both to the web site and to the fans. For the
web site, the .pdf format precvents unauthorized edits to a degree and solves related copyright issues. For the fans, .pdf
files offer easier access to people who do not have Microsoft Word on their computer. This is due to the fact that .pdf readers
can be downloaded for free on the Internet, whereas Microsoft Word (necessary for reading the old .doc files) can only be
acquired by paying a heafty fee. The general idea is to make it possible for anyone who visits the site to
take full advantage of the free downloads glenn.clark.tripod.com has to offer. "The Ghost in the olive Grove" can be
found on the Nightfire Universe Short Stories Page. A link to the free Acrobat Reader is provided below.

FAQ Page Added
June 11, 2003
There are a few questions that I find myself answeing on a regular basis,
so I decided to post my answers permanently on the site to save people the trouble of e-mailing if their only question happens to be one of these. Of course, I still want you to
e-mail me! My ego loves to get e-mail from fans! I just want the answers to the most common questions to be available to everyone.
--- Glenn
Cry, Wolf Interview Finally Posted
June 11, 2003
Ellen Heavner conducted an interview with Glenn at his home in 2001 for the web site. However, due to a number of delays, it is only just now being published to the
site for the first time. The Interview focuses on the novel Cry, Wolf, the process of writing and publishing it. Glenn also talks briefly about his then-forthcoming book The Great Debate.
2 New Pages Added to Site
March 12, 2003
Two new pages have been added to the official web site: the Promotional Appearances page and the News Archives page. The Promotional Appearances Page will be used to keep a listing of all upcoming book signings and readings that Glenn will be doing, such as the April
release party. This is also the page where you can quickly get Map Quest maps and driving directions to any of the locations
listed. The News Archives page is where you can go to look up all info posted in previous months, while the regular News page
will be devoted to headlines from the current month.
March 12, 2003
The Great Debate Release Party has been scheduled for Sunday, April 27 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Paperbacks Plus in Dallas. While books books
will not be on sale directly from the venue, Glenn will be signing the books that his guests bring in, and he will do a brief
Short Story Sections Updated with New Look and 3 New Titles
February 28, 2003
New PowerPoint Trailer for The Great Debate
February 28, 2003
A 37 second trailer for The Great Debate has been added to the site
on both the home page and the page dedicated specifically to the new book. The trailer is a Microsoft PowerPoint file, and
is part of The Great Debate's e-mail advertising campaign.
The Great Debate Trade Paperback Now in Stores!
February 25, 2003
The trade paperback of The Great Debate went on sale through North
American and U.K. book stores both on and off line yesterday. The list price for the volume is $11.95 U.S., $19.95, $9.99
(pounds) U.K.
The Great Debate Now Available for Pre-Order!
February 15, 2003
Both the trade paperback and the hardback editions of The Great Debate
are now available for pre-order from the Iuniverse web site. The paperback is scheduled to be available through all online
and brick-and-mortar book stores within the next two weeks. The hardback is going to remain exclusively available directly
from the publisher for the forseeable future. Pre-ordered trade paperbacks will probably ship in two weeks. Pre-ordered hardbacks
will probably ship in a month. However, that is just Iuniverse's approximation.