Longshot’s girlfriend has been taken to the stronghold
of the sinister robot Torakku N’obotto, a being known for his vile objectification of women
and a lifestyle of gluttonous excess. In an effort to rescue his beloved Princess Pumpkitina
from a life of slavery in the ancient despot’s degenerate court, Longshot has recruited the
aid of Prince Joryn and his fellow heroes to go into the Wyyrd Outback, seek out N’obotto’s fortress, and face
down the robotic tyrant himself, in the tightly controlled city of Mech Valley. As Joryn, Longshot, and the other heroes in their posse make their way through the Outback, maneuvering through
a vast array of strange creatures and cultures, hordes of deadly monsters, and all the pitfalls
of Longshot’s hidden past, they will ultimately come to realize that nothing is quite as
it seems at the heart of the Wyyrd Outback, and the only strategy that has any chance of seeing
them through is to expect the unexpected.