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The Ghost in the Olive Grove

Newly divorced Amy Bolton has hidden herself away at the old family mansion---drink and solitude her only comfort; loneliness her only reward. Things change when she catches sight of something mysterious in the olive grove, something that brings back memories of a ghost story her grandfather once told her. With reckless abandon and a self-destructive impulse to fuel her curiosity, Amy sets out to investigate this alluring apparition.

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"The Ghost in the Olive Grove" originally posted August 1999

All content ©1999-2020 by Clark Ink, LLC

Cover art by Molly Brimer


ISBN-10: 1-61815-011-1 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-011-0 (Kindle e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61815-021-9 (Smashwords e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-021-9 (Smashwords e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61817-022-7 (Clark Ink PDF e-book)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-022-6 (Clark Ink PDF e-book)


ISBN-10: 1-61815-023-5 (paperback)


ISBN-13: 978-1-61815-023-3 (paperback)