
- "Aries' Cage" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 1999)
- "Benches" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2012)
- "Breath" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2005)
- "Briar Patch Evangelist; or, The Tale of Beater Rabbit, The" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2010)
- "Christmas Spirit, The" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2012)
- Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, The #1-13 (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2000-2008)
- Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, The #14-15 (Clark Ink, LLC, 2012)
- The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, Volume I: The Vampire Murders (Clark Ink, LLC, 2013)
- The Chronicles of Nightfire, Texas, Volume II: The Haunting of Alexas Mansion (Clark Ink, LLC, 2014)
- Cry, Wolf (Xlibris Corporation, 1999)
- "Dario Jung and the GPS from Hell" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2014)
- "The Deep-Seated Fear of Ariana Jack" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2017)
- The Demons of the Blood: A Metrognomes Adventure (Clark Ink, LLC, 2016)
- "Dr. Coffee's Pill" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2004)
- "Escapist, The" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2005)
- From the Author's Desk (blogspot.com, 2004-Present)
- "Ghost in the Olive Grove, The" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 1999)
- "Gift, The" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2007)
- Glenn C. Scrolls, The #1-5 (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2001-2003)
- Great Debate, The (Authors Club Press, 2003)
- Haikus Are Stupid: A Most Mind-Numbing Volume of Weird Poetry (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2005-2010)
- "Hollow Jane" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2005)
- "In Wine, Lies the Truth" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2023)
- It's All About Me! (blogspot.com, 2003)
- Legends of Nod, The #1 "The Dragons of Nod"(glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2008; Clark Ink, LLC)
- Legends of Nod, The #2-5 (Clark Ink, LLC, 2014-2016)
- The Legends of Nod, Book I: The Dragons of Nod (Clark Ink, LLC, 2018)
- The Legends of Nod, Book II: All for the Blood of Nightstorm (Clark Ink, LLC, 2019)
- The Legends of Nod, Book III: Enter: The Wanderer (Clark Ink, LLC, 2019)
- The Legends of Nod, Book IV: The Mech Valley Debacle (Clark Ink, LLC, 2020)
- The Legends of Nod, Book V: A Hero Before His Time (Clark Ink, LLC, 2021)
- The Legends of Nod: The Mech Valley Debacle #1-2 (Clark Ink, LLC, 2020)
- "Metrognomes: Deathmatch" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2024)
- Metrognomes: The Shaman's Apprentice (iUniverse, 2007)
- "Mommy Doesn't See Me" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2015)
- "Music of the Metrognomes" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2003)
- "Night Light" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2000)
- "Night Light II: Trial of Ooga Booga, The" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2011)
- Piece of Mind (blogspot.com, 2010-Present)
- "Rainbow-Colored Sheep, The" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 1999)
- "Scarecrow" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2012)
- "And Then an Elephant Shot Out of His Chest" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2015)
- "The Theomorph" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2024)
- "An Unexpected Snow" (Clark Ink, LLC, 2017)
- "Worse than a Gremlin" (glennsladeclarkjr.com, 2005)
With Puppet Theatre International
- Frankenstein (Richland College, 1997)
- Sharing Groups in Youth Ministry by Walt Marcum (Abingdon Press, 1991)

